The revolutionary radiolabeling technique is an integral component of the modern drug discovery and development process. Isotopic radiolabeling facilitates the smooth development of safe and efficient life-changing medicines, bringing new pharmaceutical products to the market to reach patients faster than ever before.
In the context of this scientific technique, there is one radiolabel that researchers turn to most often: carbon-14. Carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon, an element conveniently present in all known life forms today. Here are further details regarding carbon-14: the best radiolabel for your clinical trial.
Metabolic Stability: Locating Labeling Positions
Why is carbon-14 the radiolabel of choice for human-based research studies? Scientists turn to 14C compounds for their practical synthetic routes during challenging studies. A defined labeled position is essential for acquiring critical data during pharmacokinetics or drug discovery and metabolism experiments.
Replacing naturally existing carbon atoms in molecules with their 14C isotope is simple, as researchers can choose from an array of potential radiolabeling sites to achieve metabolic stability. As a radionuclide emitting low-energy beta particles, carbon-14 can safely obtain reliable data about measured quantitative mass balance and tissue distribution during these radiotracer studies.
Slow Decay: The Preferred Length of a Half-Life
Besides the previously mentioned characteristics of 14C, carbon-14 is also the best radiolabel for your clinical trial due to its slow decay rate. Carbon-14 has a long half-life of 5,700 years. Incorporating this radioactive label into a compound for complex evaluation is a logical choice since carbon-14 decays at a constant rate.
The radioisotope is safe and effective to use for any length of extended experimentation, as 14C will not decay during the timeframe of the study. Researchers can monitor a drug’s in vivo behavior and trace its distribution throughout the body. Those using a novel radiotracing approach can customize tagged 14C compounds to the intended use of their investigational drug products.
Custom Radiolabeling Services: Radiocarbon Experimentation
Companies or research institutions needing radiocarbon for clinical trials can turn to experienced organizations. Their knowledge and state-of-the-art equipment are necessary to execute a successful synthetic strategy and handle the challenges of custom radiolabeling.
Moravek is a well-known worldwide supplier of radiolabeled compounds. Our team of expert radiochemists stands by to take on complex radiolabeling projects. We can create a quality-assured radiolabeled 14C compound that meets the custom specifications of your clinical trial. Get in touch with a proposal development coordinator on our website today.