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Download typical Certificate of Analysis
Form Diethylene glycol monoethylether solution
Concentration 1.0 mCi/ml
Molar Activity > 45 mCi/mmol
Purity ≥97%
PVC Overpack for Shipment Yes
Packaging NextGen V-Vial
Molecular Weight 236.53
Storage Temperature -20˚C
Ships on Dry Ice No
This material and formulations using this material are intended for investigational manufacturing use only. Formulations using this material are not suitable for use in humans or clinical diagnosis. Responsibility for use of this material and compliance with federal law rests solely with the purchaser.

Unit SizeFormConcentrationMolar ActivityPurityPVC Overpack for ShipmentPackagingMolecular WeightStorage TemperatureShips on Dry IcePriceQuantitySubTotal
0.01 mCiDiethylene glycol monoethylether solution1.0 mCi/ml> 45 mCi/mmol≥97%YesNextGen V-Vial236.53-20˚CNo$1,240.00


0.05 mCiDiethylene glycol monoethylether solution1.0 mCi/ml> 45 mCi/mmol≥97%YesNextGen V-Vial236.53-20˚CNo$3,970.00

