The development of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) is a complex and meticulously regulated process that ensures the safety and efficacy of new medications. Clinical trials form the backbone of this procedure, providing essential data that informs the approval and use of novel treatments. This makes it critical that pharmaceutical researchers understand every phase of this process. Read on to explore the process of clinical trials for API testing.

The Preclinical Stage

Before researchers can test a new drug on humans, it must undergo rigorous preclinical testing. This stage includes laboratory research and animal testing of the API.

The aim is to gather data on how the drug is absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted and how it affects the body. During this stage, researchers also evaluate the potential toxicity of the compound.

Phase One

After the compound has passed the preclinical stage, it can begin the process of clinical trials for API testing. Phase one marks the first time researchers administer the experimental drug to humans and primarily focuses on safety and tolerability.

Typically, researchers will administer the API to up to 100 volunteers to learn the appropriate dosage range and identify any potential side effects. Researchers closely monitor participants for adverse reactions and compare the pharmacokinetic data with preclinical findings. Successful completion of phase one provides the foundational safety data required to progress to subsequent phases.

Phase Two

During phase two, researchers’ focus shifts from safety to efficacy. The number of participants can expand up to 300 individuals who have the condition the drug aims to treat.

Researchers will compare the experimental drug's effects against a placebo or standard treatment. The main objectives are to assess the drug's therapeutic effectiveness, optimize dosing regimens, and further evaluate its safety profile. Positive results are necessary to advance the API to the more extensive phase three trials.

Phase Three

The number of participants grows even larger in phase three, with possibly 3,000 people involved in the test. During this trial, researchers will determine a drug's overall risk-benefit profile.

In addition to establishing how effectively the compound treats conditions and how safe it is to consume, they will see how it compares to current healthcare treatments. These trials provide the robust evidence needed to demonstrate the drug's value in clinical practice. Upon successful completion, the sponsor can submit a new drug application to regulatory authorities for market approval.

Pharmaceutical researchers who understand this process will be in a better position to develop safe medications for patients. You can also improve this process by using analytical laboratory services from Moravek. We can assist you with many procedures, including testing your compounds for elemental impurities, radiochemical and chemical purities, and particle size distribution.

Chemical synthesis is a common process in laboratory settings, involving the combination of different compounds to create new substances. However, despite how often lab associates perform this procedure, they must follow stringent protocols during the process. This article outlines several chemical synthesis safety tips to practice in the lab to protect researchers and maintain a secure working environment. By following these guidelines, laboratories can foster a culture of safety and compliance, thereby preventing accidents and ensuring successful experimental outcomes.

Make Sure Your Employees Have Proper Lab Training

One way to ensure that laboratories don’t experience accidents during chemical synthesis is to require all employees to undergo proper training. They should be well-versed in how to work with chemicals, respond to emergencies, and operate lab equipment.

In addition, make sure that you train your employees on lab safety more than once. Provide them with updated courses on the latest safety protocols and best practices. By investing in thorough training, laboratories can nurture a safety-conscious environment.

Never Enter the Lab Without Wearing PPE

Another chemical synthesis safety tip to practice in your lab is ensuring that employees always go to work while wearing their personal protective equipment (PPE). This gear is essential for safeguarding individuals from the myriad risks present in a laboratory environment.

Before entering the lab, ensure you and your lab associates equip yourselves with items such as lab coats, gloves, a face shield, and appropriate footwear. Proper PPE acts as a barrier against chemical splashes, spills, and contact with hazardous substances, significantly minimizing the risk of injury or contamination. Employees should never enter the lab without it.

However, your obligation with PPE goes beyond merely wearing it. You and your workers should regularly inspect and maintain your PPE to ensure it is in good condition and offers adequate protection. Adherence to PPE protocols is a fundamental requirement for maintaining a safe laboratory setting.

Always Complete Work With a Partner

Working with a partner in the lab while performing chemical synthesis also enhances safety and efficiency. A second set of eyes can help you identify potential hazards that you may overlook, reducing the likelihood of accidents.

Having a partner can also be beneficial in an emergency. You will ensure that immediate assistance is available, whether it involves administering first aid or calling for additional help. Collaboration also fosters an environment where employees are more likely to follow safety protocols, as partners can remind each other of best practices.

Moreover, working with a partner can improve the quality of the research by promoting cross-checking of data and procedures. Therefore, pairing up can be both a safety measure and a means to achieve more reliable scientific results.

Ensure Your Chemicals Have Labels

You can also keep yourself safe during the chemical synthesis by ensuring your compounds have labels. Each chemical container should have a clear, easily readable label that includes the chemical’s name, concentration, and any relevant hazard information.

Labels should also feature proper storage instructions and expiration dates to prevent the use of compromised or degraded substances. This will prevent dangerous mix-ups and enable quick identification during emergencies. Failing to label chemicals properly can lead to severe mishaps, putting your personnel and research at risk.

Handle Glass Containers With Caution

Your laboratory can also prevent injuries and accidents during chemical synthesis by advising its staff to handle glass containers carefully. Before using them, make sure you or another employee inspects glassware for cracks or defects, as compromised glass can break easily under pressure or temperature changes.

Using appropriate carriers or transport devices when moving glass containers will also reduce the risk of dropping or knocking them over. In addition, avoid applying excessive force when inserting stoppers or connecting glass components, as this can cause breakage.

If glass containers break, use proper cleaning tools like dustpans and brushes and dispose of them in designated glass disposal containers. Adhering to these precautions ensures your safety and the functionality and longevity of the glassware you use in your research.

Act As Though All Chemicals Are Hazardous

Adopting a mindset that treats all chemicals as potentially hazardous is fundamental for maintaining a safe laboratory environment during synthesis. This precautionary approach encourages meticulous handling and minimizes the risk of accidents.

Always assume that a chemical can pose serious health or safety hazards unless proven otherwise. This means adhering strictly to safety data sheets for information on proper handling, storage, and disposal procedures.

Using appropriate protective measures, including PPE and fume hoods, can greatly reduce exposure to harmful substances. By practicing this level of vigilance, you can protect yourself and your colleagues from unexpected chemical hazards.

Never Remove Chemicals From Your Laboratory

Never remove chemicals from your laboratory, as doing so can lead to hazardous situations. Ensure your employees store chemicals in controlled conditions to minimize exposure, spills, or contamination risks.

Transporting chemicals outside the lab environment can expose individuals and the community to potential dangers. Additionally, external environments lack the necessary emergency equipment needed to deal with chemical accidents effectively. This practice will allow you to protect your personnel and the broader community and environment from unnecessary risks.

Make Sure You’re Ready for an Emergency

Preparation is key to handling emergencies in the laboratory. Ensure you know the location and proper use of all emergency equipment, including fire extinguishers, eyewash stations, and safety showers.

You should also conduct regular emergency drills to reinforce response procedures and improve the overall readiness of your lab’s personnel. Remember to also have a list of emergency contact numbers available and ensure all team members know its location.

Additionally, maintain a well-stocked first aid kit and check it periodically to replace any used or expired items. Being proactive in your emergency preparedness can significantly reduce the impact of accidents and enhance the safety of everyone in the lab.

Adhering to stringent safety protocols in the laboratory is paramount to ensuring the well-being of all personnel and the success of your chemical synthesis activities. You can also ensure that your operations are safer by using custom organic synthesis services from Moravek. Our skilled staff members have experience assisting clients internationally and can help you create more effective products for your client base.

Chemical Synthesis Safety Tips To Practice in the Lab
A lab technician looks at a red chemical in a tube. She wears a white lab coat and safety glasses as she works.

Contract chemistry is becoming a crucial component in the pharmaceutical industry. With the increasing demand for efficient drug development and manufacturing processes, many pharmaceutical companies are turning to contract chemistry services to leverage their expertise and resources. In this blog, we will review the important things to know about contract chemistry, including the benefits of using a contract chemistry firm.


One cannot overstate the value of quality assurance in the pharmaceutical industry, especially when it comes to the application of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). By employing a comprehensive set of activities, quality assurance systems help ensure these components—which are responsible for patient recovery—meet industry regulations. If they don’t, it can cause disaster for the company and negatively affect consumers. Read on to learn about the importance of quality assurance for APIs.


When pharmaceutical companies need to monitor how people metabolize drugs that they are testing, they often turn to tritium. This radioisotope is useful in the radiolabeling process as researchers strive to preserve people’s safety in the consumption of pharmaceuticals. However, it requires stringent controls when used in labs. Read on for a guide outlining the best practices for handling and storing tritium.

How To Handle Tritium

Tritium is a rather small source of radiation that can’t travel through a person’s skin. However, it can still be hazardous if someone accidentally consumes it. This danger requires researchers to exercise caution and follow certain practices when working with this radioisotope.

Create a Special Area for Working With Tritium

One practice that researchers should follow when working with tritium is establishing a specially designated area for their work. This is essential for maintaining a controlled environment and preventing cross-contamination.

Mark your space clearly with appropriate signage indicating the presence of radioactive materials and restrict access to trained personnel only. Researchers should also equip the area with specialized containment systems, such as fume hoods with proper filtration, to capture any tritiated vapors that the material may release during procedures.

Surfaces should consist of materials that are easy for workers to decontaminate, such as stainless steel. Additionally, personnel should regularly monitor the space for any signs of contamination using appropriate detection equipment. This segregation minimizes the risk of accidental exposure and environmental contamination, improving your company’s overall safety and regulatory compliance.

Wear Protective Gear

Another best practice for handling tritium is using protective gear as you work with it. Researchers must wear items such as lab coats, gloves, and protective eyewear that will shield them from potential radiation exposure. Additionally, they may need to use masks or respirators to prevent them from inhaling tritiated water vapor.

Forbid Eating or Drinking in the Special Area

To further mitigate the risk of contamination, you need to prohibit your workers from eating and drinking in the designated tritium handling area. Ingesting food or beverages within this space increases the risk of a researcher exposing themselves internally to tritium.

Strict adherence to this rule ensures that any accidental contamination doesn’t lead to ingestion, thereby safeguarding the health and safety of personnel. Posting clear signage and providing employees with training on safe practices can help you enforce compliance with this essential safety practice.

Decontaminate Lab Surfaces After Use

Thorough decontamination of lab surfaces after handling tritium is essential for preventing residual contamination and reducing the risk of accidental exposure. You must clean all work surfaces, equipment, and tools used in the handling of tritium with appropriate decontamination agents.

In addition, conduct wipe tests to confirm the removal of radioactive contaminants, and address any discovery of contamination immediately. Make sure you equip your laboratory spaces with decontamination kits and train your employees so that they follow standard decontamination procedures meticulously. Proper decontamination ensures a safer working environment and facilitates regulatory compliance by maintaining low levels of radioactive contamination.

Dispose of Protective Gear When Finished

You should also dispose of your protective gear after handling tritium. Carefully remove your used protective clothing, such as lab coats, gloves, and respirators.

Place the gear into designated radioactive waste containers that you have clearly labeled. Use containers that consist of durable, leak-proof materials.

Personnel should follow established protocols for removing and disposing of this gear to minimize exposure to any residual radioactivity. You should perform regular audits and training sessions to ensure adherence to these disposal guidelines, thus allowing you to maintain a safe and controlled environment.

How To Store Tritium

Storing tritium before or after lab work also requires several important considerations.

Be Careful When Storing It as a Gas

Storing tritium as a gas can be advantageous for researchers since that is the form in which this radioisotope is most available. However, researchers must be careful. If a container containing tritium as a gas suffers a leak, it will result in more rapid contamination than it would in the form of a solid or liquid.

Use Hydride Beds When Storing Tritium

Another strategy to consider when storing tritium is using hydride beds, which can provide an effective and secure containment solution. Hydride beds work by absorbing tritium at relatively low pressures and temperatures, forming a solid metal tritide that significantly reduces the risk of tritium release.

This method benefits from the stability and efficiency of hydride materials, which can safely bind large amounts of tritium within a compact form. The storage containers designed for hydride beds are typically robust, leak-proof, and made from materials compatible with tritium.

In addition, the beds will take out impurities from your tritium whenever you put it into storage or retrieve it, allowing you to work with a less contaminated radioisotope. By using hydride beds for solid tritium storage, you can achieve a higher level of containment security, mitigating the risks associated with tritium leakage and exposure.

Consider Disposing of Tritium After Use

Given the potential hazards associated with tritium, you may also want to consider forgoing storage and disposing of it properly after you use it to ensure the safety of your work environment. If you choose this option, make sure you follow established protocols for its disposal.

This may involve transferring the tritium to an authorized disposal facility that has the proper equipment to handle radioactive waste safely. The disposal process typically requires meticulous documentation, including tracking the quantity of tritium, its form, and the procedures followed for secure transport. By prioritizing the disposal of tritium after its intended use, organizations can significantly reduce long-term risks to personnel, the environment, and regulatory compliance, ensuring that they manage radioactive materials responsibly and effectively.

By following these practices when working with tritium, you can better manage the risks of contamination from this radioisotope. If you’re looking for a tritium labeling services provider with extensive expertise, contact Moravek. We can connect you with the right labeling method that will meet the needs of your research project and your budget.

Best Practices for Handling and Storing Tritium

When a pharmaceutical company manufactures a medication, workers should focus on preventing the products from contamination. If this were to occur, the stakes would be exceptionally high. A single lapse in purity can have severe consequences. Read on to learn about the dangers of product contamination in pharmaceuticals and who it affects.


Pharmaceutical companies must follow Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards to create safe and effective products for consumers. However, some pharmaceutical executives may believe falsehoods about these standards when operating their own firms. This blog aims to dispel common GMP myths and misconceptions, allowing you to get your company up to code.


When consumers purchase medications for their health conditions, they do so with the expectation that manufacturers have produced these drugs with techniques that preserve their integrity and make them safe for consumption. One process that helps them meet that expectation is lyophilization. Read below to understand the role of lyophilization in pharmaceuticals and how it can help your company produce effective drugs with a longer shelf life.


Professionals in the healthcare sector rely on many tools to develop new treatments and diagnose medical issues. However, one naturally occurring non-radioactive isotope has gained a more prominent role as a useful tool: carbon-13. Discover the common applications for carbon-13 in the medical field and how its use has proven advantageous.


Radiolabeling has undeniably revolutionized drug discovery and development processes, allowing researchers to take a deeper look at drugs during human trials. Tritium is one isotope scientists use in this process and has proved to be invaluable. Read this brief look at the role of tritium in radiolabeling and what has made its application so beneficial.


When some people hear the terms “drug substances” and “drug products,” they might think these are one and the same. However, the meanings of these phrases are quite different. Knowing these distinctions can help you successfully achieve your goals in the pharmaceutical industry. Read on to learn about the difference between drug substances and drug products.


A compound’s purity is critical for pharmaceutical companies since it can directly affect a drug’s therapeutic efficacy and safety profile. This makes compound purification more than a procedural step in drug research and development. Read on to understand compound purification practices and how they work.

What Is Compound Purification?

Before we review the various practices, it’s important to understand how compound purification works. It is the process of removing a substance from a chemical compound. The goal is to isolate and remove impurities, leaving behind a product of the highest possible purity.

What Are the Various Purification Methods?

Now that you know how this procedure works, you can gain an understanding of compound purification practices. The diversity of chemical compounds necessitates a range of purification techniques for different impurities and physical states of the target compound. Let’s take a closer look at several of the methods.


Filtration is especially useful in separating solid impurities from liquid samples. With the help of a porous barrier, scientists can separate solid particulate matter from the liquid.


Another technique is sublimation, which scientists use to purify compounds that transition directly from a solid to a gas when heated, bypassing the liquid phase. This method is particularly effective for separating volatile compounds from non-volatile or less volatile impurities.


Crystallization involves dissolving a solvent at high temperatures and cooling the solution. After the pure compound becomes a solid, you can separate it from the impure portions.


When scientists perform distillation, they separate portions of a liquid at various boiling points. They will heat the mixture to vaporize the most non-volatile component. Then, they condense it into a liquid form in a separate container.


Chromatography involves separating components of a mixture with porous mediums. After the ingredients undergo this separation, scientists can obtain the pure components they need. This method is incredibly precise and indispensable in the analysis and purification of complex mixtures.

As we’ve seen, compound purification is a critical aspect of pharmaceutical research and laboratory work. Moravek can help you in this process with high and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography that determines the radiochemical purity of your substance. We have experience in assisting clients as they advance their scientific discoveries and ensure the safety and effectiveness of their pharmaceutical products.
